Monday, July 14, 2008

Picture Blog Tag

Liz tagged me with this fun Picture Blog Tag. The rules are you have to take ten pictures of the following things, and you have to do it right away. No straightening, cleaning or wiping your child's nose. Then you tag five others.

1. The fridge....this is after sending Blake to Costco...always a bad idea, the grocery budget get's killed, but we get great food

2. The closet...lots of projects that are unattended adorn the top shelf

3. Self Portrait...with the help of setting the camera on the dresser. I couldn't stop shaking when I was trying to take the picture on my own

4. My favorite room=the family room. I love my rocker. Allie and I love to curl up, rock, and watch a movie. This room equals popcorn too because whenever we watch movies we always make air popped popcorn

5. The kitchen sink. If I have to anal about one thing in my house it's the kitchen. I love to pretend to cook in here and love, love, love it to be clean

6. The laundry the midst of redoing some things in Allie's room and trying to get caught up on some laundry

7. The toilet....this picture hides my dirty toilet pretty well. I should be cleaning this....but instead look what I am doing

8. What are your kids doing right now? Peacefully napping

9. Dream vacation- Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of this place because I have never been to the beautiful HAWAII. Blake is anti-the tropical vacation because he doesn't like to swim in cold water. I try to tell him there are plenty of other things I'm sure we could do. We are still working on this one

10. Favorite Shoes-Any pair of flip flops. I love that my feet can breathe. I love them so much that I even wore flip flops under my wedding dress

This tag is pretty fun- so I'll tag Jaime Blaisdell, Heather Dean, Kelly Histand, Stephanie Johnson, and Katie Givens. And if you don't want to, don't worry I won't be too hurt


Liz said...

How fun! Thanks for playing! :) I LOVE your couches- we totally need new couches. And I admire your bravery for snapping a photo while Ali was sleeping!

nurseheather said...

oh my goodness - i'm up for the challenge - here i go

Stephanie Johnson said...

Kim you got me good because I am still moving into my house. Plus I have to follow your emaculant house oh no I will do my best.

Steph said...

YEAH! I am totally doing this tomorrow morning! How fun! I totally heart reading about all your many adventures!!! You guys are such a beautifully (is that a word?) cute family and Ali is so friggin adorable I can't stand it!


Steph said...

HA! So I totally just realized that you have another Stephanie Johnson friend...I am a nerd...but I am doing this anyways! Hee hee!!!

Just Only Me said...

What a fun tag! Your house looks so much fun, I've never seen the inside. Love your furniture and your laundry room! (you know you have grown up when you covet a washer dryer set!) Great post.