Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Twin Falls Temple-Open House

We headed over to Twin Falls this morning for the temple open house. Since no one in the family has been through an open house before, we thought we'd take the chance to go check it out. Especially since I don't know when there will be another temple built this close to Boise. I also really wanted Allie to go inside. We are always talking about the temple and passing by, but I just wanted her to be able to feel of the spirit in there. I know she won't have a memory of it, but I still just wanted to take the opportunity.

It was so beautiful inside! Just gorgeous. There was an amazing mural that someone had painted of the Shoshone Falls and the Snake River Canyon. Allie really enjoyed the deer that were scattered around on the mural. She also really enjoyed the "swimming pool"-A.K.A. the baptismal font. She wanted to jump on in. All of those lucky members in that area have a beautiful little temple.


Marisa said...

Awesome... I was thinking about going up. Was the trip long with Allie or is she good in the car? I'm afraid my twirps might drive me crazy if we went on a long drive with just me. They outnumber me you know!

Just Only Me said...

Happy Birthday to you today! Hope that you eat lots of cake and have a very relaxed day!