Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 7-Surfing, Docking, and De-Braiding

The final day had arrived; I can't believe how fast time flies. We went out on the boat in the morning to get some last minute rides done. Then we undocked the houseboat and headed out for the 5 hour boat trip back to Bull Frog to dock the house boat for our final night in the "barn"

The kids all enjoyed riding at the front of the boat for the morning ride

Rod was surfing with Natalia, which was pretty impressive. With surfing the feet are not attached to the board; you are just standing there hanging onto the rope and eventually let the rope go and ride the waves

It was really windy on top of the house boat on the way back. The kids were attempting to color and it was not working out so well. Blake suggested they go under the Ion to color, so they all enjoyed their fort under the Ion

Once we got docked in the barn we started to un-pack things that were not needed for the last night on the boat. These were the carts we used to haul our stuff back up to the cars. The kids had a great getting a ride in them too

I figured since we were heading out the next morning and Allie's hair was starting to fro, why not just take the braids out. We rounded up the girls and began to de-braid Allie

Not enjoying this, although it was much quicker than getting them in

Not wanting to pose for a picture when we were all done either. Her hair turned into this great afro and was so soft. A quick jump in the shower and Allie's hair was back to normal