Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Organizer Allie

I arrived home the other day and through my bags of groceries on the counter.  I went running around the house, throwing in some laundry, pulling some stuff together for our trip, etc.  I was gone upstairs for about 15 minutes when I heard Allie say, "Mom, come downstairs and take a picture."  I was a little confused at what she wanted a picture of.  I came downstairs to this...

I was a little appalled at what I saw.  My groceries were out of the bags and organized on the counter.  I guess Allie has seen me do this a few to many times.   I spent $10.69 during Albertson's double coupon days and got 

6 packs of 6 Double Rolls T.P

12 Jellos/Puddings

2 BBQ Sauce

2 Ranch Dressing

5 Kraft 8 oz bags of Cheese

2 Country Time Lemonade Tubs

2 Bubbles