Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pre-Occupied Mommy=Disasters

I was working out in the garden getting some of my fall crop planted tonight, so needless to say I was not being an attentive mom, and we ran into a few funny episodes that involved Allie.

Allie was helping me for some time in the garden and then became disinterested after about an hour. I had a permanent marker I was using to make labels on my Popsicle sticks for the items I was planting. Allie grabbed the marker and tried to color in my gardening book. I luckily caught that one before it turned disastrous. I decided to give Allie a box to color on which I thought was keeping her content. After about 10 minutes Allie walked up behind me and said , "mom." I turned around to this....

and I bust up laughing. I asked Allie what she had done. (Side note: for those who don't know we have done lots of infertility shots over the last year) Allie responded by telling me she had made her marks for her shots. Well, my very observant child did just what I do to myself. I literally grab my permanent marker every time I get out of the shower to re-outline my bullseye's on the rear. I hope Allie doesn't want to go through with her shots because they hurt.

See full size image

Another funny occurrence that happened tonight while I was gardening involved Allie, Max, and the Apricots. Allie approached me and stated that she had just given Max apricots. Well knowing fare well we don't have an apricot in our house, I asked Allie what apricot? She responded back, "mom, the apricots." As I got closer to Max I noticed he was covered in fish food. I guess fish food is starting to resemble apricots. I think we all need some more sleep. Hopefully Max doesn't turn part-fish on us, but at least I'll know who to blame.


The Blaisdell Family said...

That is SOOOOO funny. I'm surprised I didn't hear you laugh all the way over in our yard!!!! She's an observant little one!

The Tufts said...

When I first saw the picture, I thought for sure Allie and I share a deep fascination towards tatoos. ( I had no idea about you and your shots, and hope that that is all going well. That bulls-eye story...my goodness.)
She sure is a bright little thing.
Do you mind if I use "Pre-Occupied Mommy=Disasters" for the title of my memoirs?

Bridgette said...

Kim, The markings totally look like butterfly tattoos! I think Allie might have found her future occupation!:)

nurseheather said...

how stinkin funny. kids are like sponges