Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sending Out The Mail

Allie has really been into making "cards" for people. These cards consist of some coloring on paper, taping on more paper, tape, tape, and more tape. I've heard of some little girls getting into this tape phase, and I thought we'd passed it. Well it's a good thing I've found some tape on sale for 0.25 a roll, so our little one can tape away.

Once Allie got down the card making idea, she had this brilliant idea to send the cards in the mail. I helped her get the address and stamp ready on the envelope and started out to put the envelope in the mailbox when Allie told me, "I can do it mom." So, I sat back and watched the events unfold

She went to get her stool and went to unlock the front door (she has always been a resourceful one...grabbing whatever she needs to get to what she wants)

Setting the envelope down while she positions the stool

Opening the mail box with letter in hand

Placing her envelope inside the mailbox

Finally, the flag went up. I guess she has seen this done one to many times. Allie hopes everyone enjoys their mail


Megan Davenport Cannon said...

Wow what a little problem solver! That's awesome :D