Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Swimming Progression

I put Allie in swimming lessons a month ago and we have really enjoyed them. Allie is frequently around the water in the summer so I thought, why not get her learning how to swim in it. I have really been pleased with the YMCA and we just love our instructor. Mrs. Justine or "Mrs. Jean" as Allie calls her, is so good with the kids. I also just love how there are only 2 other kids in her class; they have some great one on one time with the teacher

Allie on her first day of class working on swimming and blowing bubbles. We inhaled water the first day and weren't quite sure how to get the bubble blowing and swimming thing all sinked together

Working on floating on her back for the first day while hanging onto the "dumbbell" as Allie calls it

3rd Week In....

Allie has gotten the hang of blowing her bubbles and swimming all coordinated together

I am so proud of Allie for her accomplishment to almost float on her back by herself. Mrs. Jean just holds just a finger under Allie's back to keep her afloat. She even tried to let go of Allie for a moment to see what would happen. Allie of course sunk; but she is as stiff as a board on the water and has so much trust in her teacher that she does so well

Her she goes kicking away backwards back to the pool. Nice straight legs girl!

We have loved Mrs. Jean and swimming so much we have decided to venture into another session. We'll keep you posted on the progress of Allie girl in her next session of swimming.


Kimberly said...

Hi Kim! It was fun to see you at the race on Saturday! The YMCA really does have an excellent swimming program. Is Allie's swimming teacher Justine Powell? If so, her husband just got called in as a counselor in my bishopric... small world!

Megan Davenport Cannon said...

That's really cool! She'll be a pro by next summer.