Sunday, February 28, 2010

Naughty Girl

Here is a picture of Allie's room without her toys

Curious to why all of the toys are gone?

And why they are ALL in Blake and I's room.  Well in Allie's own words she would tell you she was being naughty.  I guess that pretty much sums it up.  Everyone has told me that age 3 is worse than age 2 and I can testify.  Allie is such a great kid but lately has an ATTITUDE.  I don't think that gets across how tough she has been.  She out of no where started snapping "No" at me, biting, kicking, and hitting.  I was in shock and didn't know where this behavior had all come from.   Seriously, it was time to nip this behavior. The behavior lasted for about a week until all her toys were gone and we told her she needed to shape up and be nice and do extra chores if she wanted to slowly earn toys back.  Well this week has been great.  Allie has been listening, helping out with extra chores, saying I love you, and giving big hugs.  The toys are slowly making their way back, but I still have a nice stash in my room.  (Sorry to all her preschool friends that didn't have toys to play with)  Please tell me age 4 holds something better :)


Kami said...

Age 3 was the worst for us as well with our son Joey. We had a lot of toys in our room as well :) My kids never had the "terrible twos" Emma, so far hasn't had a bad year..I hope it stays that way!