Monday, March 21, 2011

4 month STATS

I can't believe that 4 months has gone by really blink and time flies.  I am so glad that you are getting more interactive and we can see your little personality shine through.  We love you Sophie!!!

Waiting in the lobby of the Dr.'s office ready to go in and check out your serious baby girl

You weighed in at 12 lb 10 oz
Height-23 1/4

Little do these happy campers know that they are about to both be unhappy with life.  You both ended up getting shots today.  It did not go over so well for you Allie.  I had prepped you telling you that you could give me a big hug and sit on my lap and they would poke you in the arms.  Well the nurse was a  little opposed to that idea and wanted to do what she was comfortable with.  She had you lay on the table and I was up with your hands and face and the nurse gave you shots into your thighs.....not nice to do to a 4 year old.  To say the least, you were screaming and terrified!!!!

One fun thing with Sophie that I never got to do with Allie at this age is to do fun things with your long hair  

Mommy talked to the Dr. about your lack of interest with the bottle.  Dr. Godfrey suggested we try the sippy cup and forget attempting the bottle.  Well, just what the Dr. ordered and slowly but surely we will get the hang of it

Showing me the "holes" from your shots.  What an adventure tackling shots for two kids in one sitting.  Allie earned some popsicles for her special treat after shots.  Here's to one more check-up in 2 more months.