Friday, March 25, 2011

Rice Cereal

Ever since having Sophie, things have slowed down a bit and we aren't on the run as much.  We have spent a lot of time at home just hanging out, which I am not terribly opposed to. I actually have enjoyed my "winter postpartum months" lounging in my sweats and hanging out with my girls.  Lately, it's all caught up to me and I've been itching to get out and enjoy the sun, but we have not been privileged to do that either because of all the rain we have been receiving.  To say the least, I am getting a little cabin fever and running out of things to do "indoors."   I never thought I'd be bored on a Friday night, but we were.  Blake had a soccer game out in the pouring rain and following his game he had a young men's get together.  The girls and I were privileged to do a few things out of my boredom.

First off, we found these in our yard.  The ducks are returning and they came to say there is spring is ahead, yeah!!!  

We got out the bread and enjoyed feeding them in our yard

Following the ducks, about 6 pm now on my Friday night, I decided that we would try Sophie on some rice cereal.  Allie was my photographer through these moments because I didn't want to miss out on the first bites.  I wasn't sure what to expect due to 1) Allie not enjoying rice cereal when she was a baby, and 2) Sophie has a vexation with objects in her mouth (binky, bottle) so I wasn't sure how she would enjoy the spoon.  Well, to my surprise, Sophie LOVES her cereal.

You slurped the whole bowl of cereal down.  Hopefully there will be many more happy days of eating rice cereal :)