Friday, August 10, 2012

1st Tooth Fairy Experience

I love the sequence of events that transpired prior to Allie loosing her first tooth.  We happened to be up at the cabin with lots of cousins; many of whom were older and had lost many teeth themselves.  There were lots of "talks" about the tooth fairy, loosing teeth, and how to twist, pull, and yank teeth out.  It was so cute to sit back and watch the cousins chat with Allie

Jane; Allie's idol, explaining how you just have to twist the tooth and it's over and done

Natalia and Allie both had a loose tooth, each of them was determining how wiggy their tooth was

Jane determining for herself if Allie's tooth was going to budge

In the mean time Natalia had pulled out her tooth;  Allie was still a little nervous even though her tooth was hanging by 1 little root

Blake coming to check things out.  Jane intervened and told Allie not to let Blake touch her tooth; Jane claimed her own dad yanked hers out and it hurt so bad.  

The girls all go back to work on Allie's tooth for a bit

Finally Blake was back.  Allie opened up just so Blake could "see it wiggle."  Crazy enough with a little twist the tooth was out

Proudly displaying the 1st lost tooth, missing from the front bottom left

Luckily the tooth fairy was able to find Allie at the cabin; she brought a sparkly dollar bill, a new tooth brush, and Allie's favorite pack of gum.  She's going to busy for awhile because Allie's other bottom tooth and top two teeth are close behind

Still getting used to the toothless smile