Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 1-Albion Children's Museum

Well the day had come....we had arrived in Michigan and the fun was going to begin.  We got into GG's on Wednesday evening and were welcomed by the family clan.  My sister and her kids had already made it there so Allie was excited to have Ainsley and Adam as playmates around GG's for the trip.

Thursday morning the kids headed outside to help GG out in the yard.  The girls quickly got to work on their butterfly garden right next to GG's butterfly bush

Adam and GG decided to join in on the fun

Sophie of course decided to help too.....they were making signs, moving rocks, and watering; all in hopes the butterflies would feel welcome and come visit

During the afternoon we headed off to Albion Children's Museum for their free admission day.  Albion was a tiny little town next to Jackson and the museum was tiny but seemed to have enough to entertain the kids for hours.  We could have stayed much longer if Sophie hadn't started to melt down due to a lack of nap

The museum had the funnest little water table the girls just loved

Allie had fun making a track down the whole table so the fish could race through the maze from one end to the other

This awesome vacuum tube system had just been opened for exhibit the day we visited.  You stuck these string pom poms in a hole and watched the suction pull it through the maze of tubes and then it would fly out the top.  The kids loved it!!!

Allie loves her wood blocks and made herself a zoo

The girls decided to build a human cage for themselves; some days it would be nice to have one of these around the house:)

GG enjoyed jamming on the piano with Sophie and Zachery

The girls had a great time playing dress up and performing on stage for us.  I was impressed with this little museum, only because my expectations were pretty low to begin with and the kids were entertained way longer than I thought they would be